
Friday, 29 June 2012

Macaron or macaroon?

Asalam waliykum all, Hope you are well inshallah :D

The first time I ever had a macaron was when my brother visited Paris and returned with boxes of these delightful, cute coloured sweet treats. They looked like something out of peter pan (the one with robin Williams in)... any who, they tasted amazing, light, fluffy, sweet and almondy! From that time I have been hooked. So when i had the chance to visit Paris this year, the only thing I wanted to purchase on my trip were Macarons!! They are very expensive, and are cheaper to purchase in the UK. Saying that you get what you pay for. The quality is not like that of their French counterparts.

Macarons from Georges Masion Larnicol, in Paris 

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

"Hijab" tag.....

Asalam waliykum,
My first tag WOOHOO! this was from a sisters blog Stylish Muslimah, she has a great blog do check it out! Zawaji is doing a night shift, what a better way to pass some time then do my first tag!

Beautiful Paris

1) What was the first hijab you ever bought?

It was From H&M in Sept 2007! All those years ago at the peak of scarf fashion craze. I remember they had some amazing scarves that were wide, long and opaque.. now the quality of scarves they sell are not that brill and they do not have much of a selection anymore.
The scarf i got was navy blue, with rows of silver thread running along it length wise. It had the usual tassel's at either end and was polyester and medium thickness. I still own it and cost me £7!

2) What was the first hijab style you wore?

An awful one, it was so hard for me to wear hijab. The style did not suit my face at all. And moved about during the day. i did not know about under scarves then so used hair clips to keep my fringe back but still ended up having hair trying to escape from the sides! I remember using a good old safety pin under the chin and another at the side after wrapping the material around my head several times. Tight fitting and uncomfortable... but i stuck with it and learnt new styles Alhamdulillah

3) What is your favourite colour hijab, or what colour hijab do you have most of in your closet?

Favourite: My white ruffle hijab from hijab Obsessions, check them out on FB amazing, and here!!!!
Own the most of: Black, jersey and pashmina

4) Who is your favourite Hijab guru? Why?

Initially used to watch Amena from You tube for a few years. But, Since then I have been wearing Jilbab full time and I have not seen many sisters who wear Jilbab on blogs or you tube. So no fav guru at the moment. I guess I make up styles myself and things that are Muhajaba and jilbab friendly. 

5) Who was the first person you watched on You Tube who did hijab tutorials?

Wallahi i do not remember her name, i think one i can remember not the first but quiet early on in my hijab days was Amenakin... from Pearl Daisey. She had some really good styles. Ooh also i remembered now, the sister from Slice of lemon, she had a video blog called inside the closet or something similar. She did a style that i recreated and i wore for a couple years!

6) What is the beauty in hijab?

Having Haya, modesty the most liberating experience. Its a command from Allah, knowing that you are fulfilling a commandment from Allah each and every day. Mashallah

7) What does hijab mean to you?

Obeying Allah and his Messenger Prophet Muhammed (SAW)

8) What is your everyday hijab style?

One side shorter on the left, the long side wrapped to cover my chin over the head and pinned to the side of my head on the left or if longer hijab bought over to the other shoulder and pinned there. I always cover my chin, i like having the material there like a comfort thing i suppose. I like to create layers too. Nothing fancy but looks ok :)

9) What are your favourite hijab accessories?

I went through many stages, especially my early hijab days i liked blinging out my hijab with head bands, beads, broaches, fancy hijab pins etc. Now i keep those for women only events. I still love broaches which i suppose is my fav. But everyday i just keep it simple and use a straight pin which is plain and simple. I suppose my hijab has progressed and evolved from being a fashion statement to what it is meant to be, a modest and respectable outer garment. Alhamdulillah.

10) What is your favourite place to buy hijabs?

I like to support the sisters who are trying to start their businesses, even though H&M sell hijabs I have not bought one from them in 2 years. On a one off occasion i may go to Monsoon they do amazing ones, with huge price tags though. So i buy online from sisters stores. I love Hijab obsession my faaaav onlien hijab shop, Al-Mujalababa, MyscarfShop, Scarf World, and many more....
Inshallah i hope to do a few reviews on hijabs I have bought online and reccomendations :)

Please feel free to comment below, and answer the questions be great to hear what you guys have to say. Also feel free to tag yourself and add to your blog, share the love and all. (P.s i am still unaware of how to tag others that's why) :-/
Jazakallah khier

Hijab: My Scarf Shop
Cardigan: Wallis
Jilbab/Djellaba: Al-Mujalbaba
Ring: Gift from Morocco

Monday, 18 June 2012

Lush, Lush, Lush and more Lush....

Asalam waliykum,

As promised before, this is a continuous post of lush products i have bought and used.
One thing i forgot to mention in my first post is about how lush do not test their products on animals and are against testing on animals. If you go in store on online, you can sign the ongoing petition to support their ban on animal testing for good! I feel very passionate about this, and as Muslims we should all feel that way too. Not only are we forbidden as Muslims to torture one another, it is not permissible to do that to an animal in any shape or form. 

Now onto 3 products i brought, tried and tested on moi! The first one is Angels on bare skin, after using herbalism i liked how gentle the cleanser was, but i needed something that was more clarifying and able to deal with my T-zone better! I opted for angels on bare skin, still gentle but with lavender which helps keep good moisture in the skin and prevents build up of natural oils. I have used this for 4 weeks now and have had no problems with it. Alhamdulillah since i have used these 3 products i have had so many compliments from people, who have mentioned my skin is glowing and looks clear and bright and in that time no blemishes, Mashallah.
This cleanser has NO synthetic ingredients and is 100% natural. It also contains lavender flower and this is really cute and keeps secreting oils into the cleanser infusing it with a lovely light lavender scent. This is good for those with combination and dry skin. I use this twice a day, morning and before bed. The texture once mixed with water is creamey and smooth, its easier to apply to the face and massage in, leaves your skin smelling of lavender flowers :)

Wonder cleanser in a pot!

Imperialis Moisturiser, The first moisturiser i have used from lush and has been a great hit with me! The scent is the first thing that attracted me to this product its light, feminine and natural. The texture is nice too, easy to apply and a little goes a long way, so a small tub of this should last a good month or just over that if you don't go over board and slap it on. One reason i adore this moisturiser is because it contains

Me, Myself & Allah...

Asalam waliykum sisters,

Yes you read the title correctly its Me, myself and Allah and not "I".
The purpose of this event was to unite muslimahs from all over Britain, to share our desire to come closer to Allah. The event gave practical advice and tips to sisters, that we can all implement in our lives. I found the event very beneficial and the speakers were so inspiring. I took many notes and inshallah hope to summaries key points from speakers. Of course when i returned home i bore zawaji to death with every detail. Mashallah he listened and showed interest.

The event took place at Kensington Town
Hall (see Above), many Islamic events take place here. The stage was decorated with the same theme colours of the booklet, and sisters who participated in the event and volunteers also wore the colours; pinks and purples.
Due to being a sisters event i felt it would be inappropriate to take photos. The hall is perfect for these events, with a large foyer where there was a mini bazaar. Mashallah again like the other sisters conference i attended, the turn out was phenomenal, lots of sisters from all walks of life attended.
For more photos and to check out the face book group, please click here.

The main aim of the conference was to remind sisters that whatever our statues is in society we have an important role to play, whether we are mothers, wives, sisters, daughters, grandmothers etc. As sister Sayyidah Zaidi of Working Muslim said seeking knowledge is not only for single sisters. Sister Sayyidah gave examples from her life, how she was seeking knowledge before marriage and ensured it would always be that way even after marriage. The importance of making sure your spouse supports you and accepts this. We should not stop seeking knowledge due to changes in life, whether that is marriage, moving away, having children, death of loved ones and so forth.

Ustadh Musleh Khan, yes a male speaker was the first to take to the stage. Mashallah the perfect person to get it started, why? Well he is a marriage counsellor and married himself with kids. He also conducts many courses geared towards Muslim women. So we can safely say he knows women well enough.

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Seeds of change... be the gardeners, sowing the seeds

Asalam waliykum Sisters, 

A couple of weeks ago, on the 20th May I was fortunate enough to attended, along with over 1000 women the ‘Seeds of Change’ women’s conference at the plaza hotel in London. It is the first of its kind organised by the well-known iERA. If you do not know who they are please visit The main objective of this organisation is to give dawah (Spreading the message of Islam) through different mediums. Mashallah they are really successful due to the sheer enthusiasm, sacrifice and dedication of all those involved. If you have ever been to one of their talks or dawah retreats you will understand what I mean. Many of those involved volunteer and do not get paid, but their reward is with Allah inshallah.

This was the first women’s only conference I had been to. Thus, I was excited and already felt empowered, on saying that, there were a couple of male speakers that doesn’t really count though.
Welcome and information booklet

The whole purpose of the event was to make us women realise the potential we have in whatever area, occupation we are in; we have the ability to fulfill our duty to give dawah. We are not exempt due to being women and leave the men to do all the work. If anything we have more ability to spread Islam whether it is given dawah and speaking openly and honestly to people when we go to the salon, picking our kids up from school, taken them to appointments or inviting their friends around etc.

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

My obsession with Lush!

Asalam waliykum sisters,

One thing i have been trying to do in the last 6 months, is to use more natural products. The reason being is i have so many allergies to everything, and one reason is that during pregnancy; my mother obviously went about her daily life cleaning and even painting. Dr's have told me that due to breathing in such harsh chemicals and fumes it can have an affect on a developing foetus and cause so many allergies and can be the cause of some illnesses such as asthma, hay fever etc. So since i got married, Allahu Allam when i have children, we are not planning any time soon. However, it has made me really conscious about the unseen effects of these products, and Allhamdulillah i have decided to try and use less chemicals as i possibly can.
I have already started to clean the house with more natural products, why stop there? i wanted to use natural body care products too. This is where lush comes in.
My Lush craze started in February and my collection has grown substantially since.
This is a mini review of a 3 products, Inshallah i will do some others later, don't want to overwhelm people with my millions of Lush products in one go.

The first Product i bought all those months back was the Solid Shampoo bar, I went for the Ultimate shine Shampoo bar as shown above.

The begining

Main Entry:
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: comfort, peace
Synonyms: alleviation, assuagement, condolement, condolence, consolation, pity, relief
Notes: "solace is a form of comfort given to one who is in sorrow or distress; consolation is an act of offering such comfort, or the result of such comfort having been provided "

Solace is just one of the meanings of my name Salwa, Subhanallah your name often reflects the character of a person. This is just a mini intro, inshallah i hope to post everything and anything here, My love of the deen Islam, for reading, being creative and my travels and inshallah all will be beneficial in some shape or form.
Alhamdulillah my very first taste of blogging, Inshallah this is just the start of a long lasting relationship with the blogging world.

*Photo Provided by my older brother*