
Sunday, 23 September 2012

MIA: missing in action

Asalam waliykum sisters,

Firstly i hope you are all well and in the best of health and iman.
Secondly my apologies for the lack of posts. Basically my laptop stopped working a few months ago and i was using Zawjis, but now his has stopped working... due to an accident i had with it.

Until they are fixed there will not be as many posts as its hard to do them with my phone. It is very tedious to type and transfer photos. Sorry guys, inshallah i will be back soon. :(

jazakallah khier

Wasalam -x-

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Product Review: El Hajj Skin Care Range

Asalam waliykum sisters,

I do not know if you remember, at the start of August I wrote a post on 'El hajj skin care range'? This is the link if you want to have a look at it again, click Here! This is going to be a review of the tried and tested products, so please read on to find out how I got on with them.

Firstly I would like to start on the pricing, if you have a look on the websites full range prices are all listed. I think that it is worth it, for this bag I paid £24. Some may think that is a lot, I did think the same at first. However, after much use of the products I changed my mind. I managed to use most of the products on a daily basis and still had some left over at the end of the 3 weeks. So I was impressed they lasted that long.

Monday, 3 September 2012

Farewell Mekkah and Hello UK!

Asalam waliykum Sisters,
Alhamdulillah I am back in the UK and have had a few days of rest. I hope you are all well, in the best of health and iman inshallah. I would just like to mention that all the sisters who contacted me with Duas, they safely reached Mecca and Medina, may Allah accept them from me and may they be answered, ameen.