
Thursday, 28 February 2013

Want To See a Plane Go Down Your Street?

Asalam waliykum sisters,

This is just a quick and FUN post. Everyone I know, including myself have been suffering from the dreaded flue/cold for the last 2-3 weeks. I thought this would be a nice way to cheer everyone up.

Apparently a while ago, think back in the summer. BA had an advert on TV of a plane going through the streets of London.
Pretty cool eh?! Well if you go to the BA website HERE! you type in your postcode, and you can actually see the plane go down your street.
However, it's literally towards the end of the video for about 2-3 seconds. I tried it on my parents street and that didn't work too well. But when I tried it on my street in London it showed my flat completely and looked really good.

Give it a go, it's a bit of fun to cheer everyone up!

Jazakallah khier

Wasalam -x- 

Sunday, 24 February 2013

Hijab Pin Storage

Asalam waliykum sisters, 

If you are a muslimah who wears hijab, I am sure you have experimented with different ways to store your pins. There are so many ways to store your pins and I wanted to share with you how I store mine and the most practical way for me. 

I am totally organised with everything in my home, and everything has its own place. My hijabs are organised and live in a specified place and the same with my pins. I had great difficulty at the start and just kept my pins in little a jewellery box. It was a total pain in the neck, and I had many injuries this way. 

I had a look online and came across different ways to store pins, and the best solution was using some sort of pin cushion. Below are photos of my pin storage methods:

I love henna!

Asalam waliykum sisters,

I want to do a post on one of my most love hobbies!! Apart from cooking, sewing, quilling, painting and photography I also love to henna!!! Firstly who loves henna? Who doesnt? Some dislike the smell, the texture, even the designs are not appealing to some. However, for me, I love everything about henna. I remember from a very young age I always loved henna, and associated it with Weddings, and Eids. Silly as it sounds I remember one Eid not having any henna on my hands and for me it ruined the Eid, I must of been 7-8 years old at the time.