
Saturday, 2 March 2013

'Smile Again' Charity

Asalam waliykum sisters,

Charity, Zakat, Sadaqah; what do you think when you hear/read this?
Most peoples response is "giving to the poor".

There are various acts of Charity we can all do. It is not only about given to the poor. There are so many ways you can contribute to the betterment of society.

"Smile Again" is the charity I would like to share with my readers it is relatively new, and I hope Inshallah by promoting it and showing my support that it will flourish. Check out this link HERE to find out a little bit about the charity. Also there is a Facebook group and twitter that provides you with more detailed information on how to help the charity, fundraising being carried out and the its aims. 

"A charity that aims to provide dental care for children

 in rural Morocco who are unable to access health care 


The charity was set up by my Sister in laws brother Ghassan on Sept 2012, he is a dentist working in London. He visited Morocco a few times and upon seeing how little health care is available to kids in rural parts of Morocco he felt inspired to volunteer his skills to help these children. Mashallah, and I would like to add that Ghassan is not Moroccan himself and shows so much compassion and drive that I unfortunately do not see from the Moroccan community. I do hope that this will inspire and kick start the community here to help their own communities back in Morocco.  

This charity means a lot to me for personal reasons, my aunt in Morocco passed away due to a dental condition that was not being treated and left unresolved which turned into something more sinister. Dental treatment and access to dental care is very difficult especially for those in rural parts of Morocco and those living below the poverty line. 

To find out more about the Smile Again charity please check out the Facebook page HERE and to follow on Twitter please click HERE. If you would like to get involved in the charity, volunteer or offer any services please feel free to contact Ghassan, contact details are available on the links mentioned above.

I have a few ideas to help promote the charity. I think a video with a nasheed and video footage of the project itself will help make more people aware, and try and make it viral on you tube . Every little helps. If you know anyone who would volunteer any of their skills; such as being able to make you tube videos, have a good singing voice or anything please do contact Smile Again charity.

Here are a few photos of Smile Again charity at work in Morocco. You can view there photos and more on the Facebook page. 

This is the man himself (Ghassan), at work with a very happy customer

Say aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

Another satisfied Customer

  • Good deeds go beyond obligatory acts of worship
  • Charity goes beyond wealth; even the poor can give in charity!
  • Remembrance of God is the peak of goodness, since it sets the stage for other acts
  • Helping others is an integral part of our faith: without it, our faith is incomplete.

I do ask you sisters to please, please Share by hitting the buttons below, like, and comment. Show your support for this amazing charity and Inshallah we can help more and more kids Smile Again.

Jazakallah khier

Wasalam -x- 


  1. Salam alaikum, May I reproduce this article on my blog? I'd like to promote this cause if I can.

  2. Waliykum Asalam,

    Yes of course no problem, no need to ask. :)


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Jazaka Allah khier :)